Dragon city eggs dragonfly
Dragon city eggs dragonfly

dragon city eggs dragonfly

The plants begin to grow and eat small bugs as soon as they reach this stage. It lives underwater after emerging from its eggs. Eggs can hatch for a few days to a couple of weeks.

dragon city eggs dragonfly

These aquatic nymphs hatch from egg.ĭragonflies lay their eggs in ponds or aquatic plants. Most dragonfly eggs hatch in one to three weeks, but some species can survive in the winter. After the eggs have been fertilized, there is no parental involvement. The eggs of female birds could be dozens or even hundreds of them. The nymphs of the fly are kept in the water while maturing and becoming dragonflies. It hasn’t yet grown its wings and has a crusty hump on its back as a result of not growing them. The nymphs appear to be little alien creatures with rounded heads. When the eggs hatch in a dragonfly larva, it begins its life cycle as a nymph. So, while dragonflies may seem to hatch out fully grown, they actually go through a lengthy process of growth and development before they reach adulthood. The adult dragonflies will then mate and lay eggs, starting the cycle all over again. Once they have reached their full size, they will emerge from their final molt as adults. During the molting process, the nymphs will grow larger and develop wings. The process of molting can take anywhere from a few weeks to a few months, depending on the species of dragonfly.


The nymphs, or immature dragonflies, must first emerge from their eggs and undergo a series of molts, or skin sheds, before they reach their adult form. Most people believe that dragonflies hatch out fully grown, but this is not the case.

Dragon city eggs dragonfly